Sunday, January 21, 2018

Chimbu District

Start here for my introductory blog about our experiences in PNG.

The Chimbu District lies east between the Western Highlands and Eastern Highlands. These photos show some of the landscape.

Chimbu country.

The town of Kundiawa is the capital of the Chimbu District.

Near Kundiawa 

Daulo Pass, 8093 feet
The high mountain ranges which go above 12,000ft restricted travel between tribal groups to the extent that Papua New Guinea has the most number of separate languages of any country on earth. 7-800 languages are known.

High passes often have to be traversed from one district to another. The Daulo Pass must be crossed to go from the Chimbu District to the Goroka in the Eastern Highlands.

One day when going to a village in Enga District my Datsun literally ran out of steam going up a zigzag road/track. No wonder, the highest point on the road was 9,100ft! My passengers were placed at strategic points and pushed the car further in the rarified atmosphere. 
The eroded remains of Mt Elimbari, a long extinct volcano.

Because the geographical isolation of each district, has its own distinctive style of housing and bilas (dressing up) for important occasions. 

Chimbu round houses

Chime village near the Daulo Pass
On one our trips we came across a group go villagers going to a sing sing. Once I explained that I was tisa bilong Mt Hagen, they were happy to have their photo taken.

Arse grasses

Proud Chimbus 

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