Monday, January 27, 2014


Writing this 40 years later is going to stretch my memory cells but I did manage to take a number of colour slides which are still in great condition and worthy of copying in digital format.
My wife and I ended up in The Western Highlands town of Mt Hagen as part of a New Zealand Government assistance scheme to teach at local high schools and mentor local indigenous teachers in May 1974. We were only there until December of that year before heading off to London to continue our first OE.

All photos in the posts to follow were of course taken on film. My camera was a Pentax Spotmatic F, quite one of the most up to date and technically advance camera of the day . The lenses I used were the best, Takumar brand, on the market at the time. Kodak or Agfa ASA 64 transparency film was mostly used.

What was once my pride and joy with its 50 mm  f/1.4 lens, still in perfect working order!

The only other lens I used in Papua New Guinea was the 135 mm f/3.5 telephoto.

One feature I miss on modern cameras is a good depth of field guide. No hunting for focus in low light conditions with my EOS digital Canon !

I now have the scanner - a taste of what is to come.

In my blog, first post now online, I will rely of brief notes made on most slides and my memory of what happened. That is going back around 43 years though.